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This site contains unconsolidated versions (“Annual Laws”) of Bermuda’s Public Acts and Statutory Instruments from 1993 – present, and consolidated versions (“Consolidated Laws”) of all legislation.

This site does not include Private Acts.

The Consolidated Laws are the Public Acts and Statutory Instruments as amended by subsequent amending legislation.  The Consolidated Laws are updated with amendments as soon as possible after the amendments come into force.

The Annual Laws comprise all Acts as originally enacted by the Legislature, and all subordinate legislation as made, for each year.  Amendments made by subsequent legislation are not shown in the text.  Users should therefore verify for themselves whether legislation is in force or whether it has been amended or repealed.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Feed is a format for delivering frequently updated content published by Bermuda Laws Online.  You may subscribe free of charge to the Bermuda Laws Online feed through your RSS Feed Reader.   When you subscribe, your RSS Feed Reader automatically checks the website and downloads new content so you can see what is new since you last visited the feed.  This will enable you to know what laws have been recently amended or added to the website.

Where text is displayed in green font, it indicates that there is a section (or sections) of the law not yet in force.  It is possible that the entire law is not yet in force in which case the law is displayed completely in green font.

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1. Capitalize operators in search

Normally, searches are not case-sensitive. However, you MUST capitalize the words AND, OR, and NOT if you want search to recognize the words as operators.

2. To make sure you find words with any term listed, be sure to separate terms with the OR operator. If you just string words together, search assumes you are using the AND function. To make sure you find any term, separate terms with OR. For example, to find cats or dogs, type cats OR dogs as your query.

3. Use double quotes to ensure that words must be found together, as in “stamp duty”. If you were to type the two words without the quotes, search will interpret the query as (stamp AND duty), which means that both words have to appear in results but not necessarily together as a single phrase. When you use quotes, be sure you know that the exact phrase in quotes is in the content you are looking for because search assumes that all of the words in quotes must appear in the content in order for it to be returned by search.

4. Use a wildcard (*) to find words that begin with a character string For example, you can search for “Minist*” to find all documents that contain Ministry and Minister

5. Use – to exclude results with certain words e.g. Fairmont -Southampton

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